Friday, October 14, 2011

Turkey meatloaf with roasted root vegetables

I have a deep love for Ina Gartner's food. She cooks with such a simple yet flavorful appreciation of the ingredients, which are never processed and really allows the taste of the ingredients to shine. So "turkey meatloaf " may not sound so special as ground turkey meat on it's own would not be the best meat ever, but cooked with the right additional flavors this meat is so perfect for meatloaf, you'll see... Ina uses a recipe that is similar, but not gluten free and she uses chicken stock which honestly is not necessary so I use water. I've made it both ways, you wouldn't notice a difference. And I use ketchup instead of tomato paste, I don't think tomato paste tastes real great so I tried using ketchup instead and it is really yummy, plus then you need 2 less ingredients.

It is one of those foods that could have remained out of my gluten free taste buds, except for my absolute favorite bread... Udi's either the white or wheat will be great. Found at most grocery stores in the frozen section, which is what keeps it so fresh. If you are gluten free you MUST buy this bread, lots of people also enjoy another bread called Rudi's. confusing and such similar names, I still prefer Udi's.. Soon I will update my favorite foods to buy.
Now for the recipe.

1 package of ground turkey meat, the 85/15 fat content is best but I make it with the super lean as well. I just add a few tablespoons more of olive oil and a few extra tablespoons more water as well.
1 med onion chopped
1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 tablespoons of Italian seasoning
2 teaspoons sea salt
2 teaspoons ground pepper
1/3 cup water
2-3 pieces of Udi's bread toasted till light brown and chopped fine
1 egg
olive oil

In a saute pan with a few tablespoons of olive oil saute the onion until translucent not all the way cooked and add the Worcestershire sauce, water, 3 tablespoons ketchup, 1 teaspoon salt, Italian seasoning, and ground pepper. Simmer on med low for a few minutes until this mixture is thickened.

In a large mixing bowl mix the ground turkey, ground pepper, sea salt, egg, toasted bread crumbs, and the above onion mixture with a potato masher until well combined. On a baking sheet lay foil over the top and spray with non stick spray. Pour the meat mixture onto baking sheet and form a large egg shaped mound. Squeeze ketchup in a zigzag motion back and forth until most of the top is covered in ketchup. Sprinkle a small amount of Italian seasoning on top as well as fresh ground pepper. Cook 40 min in 350 degree preheated oven or until meat is cooked through.

Serve with your favorite oven roasted root vegetable. Parsnips and carrots with finely chopped onion is a nice option. Chop the vegetables to desired bite size, drizzle olive oil on top, season with sea salt, ground pepper and Italian seasoning or fresh herbs if you have a favorite or some in your garden, rosemary and thyme make great combinations. With clean hands massage them all and make sure they are all equally coated with the oil and seasonings. Bake on 425 for 20 or more minutes until they are tender.

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